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Year 6 Book Swap

Year 6’s book swap shop is up and being used. What book would you swap?


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Easter 2021 at Village Primary

In school we have enjoyed celebrating Easter. Have a look at some of the activities we got up to.

On Thursday we watched an assembly hosted by Mr Gunn a trainee vicar and friend of the school.

Nursery looked at Easter and new life through flowers.

Nursery also created Easter cards to share with their families.

The chocolate nests look delicious.

Reception have enjoyed creating their Easter cards for people at home. We also enjoyed going on an egg hunt.

The children in Year 2 learnt about the Easter story and the symbolism of the cross. They used the pointillism technique to decorate their cross.

Year 4 thought about Easter as a journey. They looked at and learnt a song about life’s journeys.


Year 6 used iMovies to think about the key elements of the Easter story.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Head teacher appointment

On Tuesday afternoon, I was interviewed for the position of Head Teacher at Village by the Prince Regent Trust
Board members.

The interview panel consisted of Julia Armstrong (CEO), Jaime Hughes (Trustee) and Kay Stevens (Trust Chair).
After a long interview process, I am delighted to announce that I was appointed to the role. We have a fantastic group of children, parents and carers, as well as a very committed staff that always put children’s needs at the heart of everything they do. This will continue. We strive to provide a fantastic education for the children, whilst working with you as a valued member of the process.

This year, we have kept parents and carers up to date with school events using Twitter, Facebook, Marvellous
Me, the website, texts and letters. This is vital so that you feel included and valued because you play a massive
role in your child’s future development. We strive for children to be safe, happy, making progress and ready for the next stage of their life whether it be secondary school, Key Stage Two or the next year group.

Mr R. Birtwhistle


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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We use the wonderful resource iLearn2 to help us deliver the computing curriculum.

Year 5 started a new module on ilearn2 yesterday. They were challenged to design an app about something that interested them and would be useful to others. Brilliant how to guide for them to follow @ilearn2primary

Follow this link to be directed to our Home Learning Resource page where you can find links to iLearn2 and other online resources.



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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Today year 6 explored what the census is and how it impacts on what services are provided for us. We looked at a census from 1911 and completed the relevant family information.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Easter egg hunt

Look what has happened on the field! I think EYFS will need to go on an Easter egg hunt.

“We’re going on an egg hunt. We’re going to catch a cheeky egg. What a beautiful day. We’re not scared.”

Look what we found!


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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National Day of Reflection

On 23 March it’ll be one year since the first UK lockdown. Since then, millions of people have been bereaved, both as a result of covid-19 and due to other causes.

The restrictions we’ve all been living under have meant that many of us – including children and young people – have had to grieve without the comfort of having friends and family around them.

The National Day of Reflection will give us a time to unite and reflect on this tragic loss of life and our collective grief as a nation.

As a school we have joined together to mark this day. Children in school have had the opportunity to talk about their thoughts, have a minutes silence and take part in lots of reflection activities.

Nursery created yellow sun catchers to mark the National Day of Reflection.  The children loved talking about what they are most looking forward to this year.
Pip said ‘I can’t wait to see Nannie and Pop Pops soon’.

Nursery have painted rainbows as a symbol of hope for National Reflections Day.

Reception created yellow drawings thinking about making each square different. It was a very calming activity and allowed us to talk about how we felt during lockdown.

“I felt sad because I missed my teachers and friends at school.” Edie

Year 3 have been commemorating the day of National Reflection, thinking about what has changed over the year and thanking our key workers.


Year 4 gathered to reflect on all the positive experiences of lockdown such as spending more quality time with family.

Year 6 worked together to create a poem.



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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Tees Valley Sports virtual games

Classes across school are taking part in the Tees Valley Sports virtual games.

Year 1 children moved in different ways pretending to be different animals during our ‘Sporty bear’ festival.

PE in Year 2

Year 6 have enjoyed taking part in the PE challenges for Tees Valley sport this week. We had a tie-break for the longest held plank with some excellent form from Mustafa!


Click on this text for a link to the Tees Valley Sports website



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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Red Nose Day 2021

For Red Nose Day children across school have been thinking about hero’s – who is your hero?


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Year 6 are taking part in a project to support the NHC in Darlington. They want to know the best way to grow mold as this is how medicines are sometimes developed. We have set up an experiment using bread and different conditions in our classroom. We even had a zoom meeting with a real scientist! #ChildrenChallengingIndustry @ciecyork



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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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