Music is a universal language that allows personal expression and speaks to us in many different ways. It creates strong feelings, builds memories, ignites passion and develops ideas.
At Village Primary School, children see Music as an inspiring, engaging and active subject. During music lessons, children will explore and create sounds in many different ways, which includes the use of technology. They will learn to sing and use their voices in interesting ways. They will experience playing musical instruments, which are tuned and un-tuned and begin to read appropriate music notation. Children will develop clear subject knowledge about how music is created, produced and communicated through a range of elements including pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and structure.
Children of all abilities will be actively involved in all lessons. In addition, children will be encouraged to access additional music provision, such as the school choir, guitar, and ukulele, keyboard and trumpet lessons in order for every child to discover their musical potential. This provision will be facilitated by inspirational musicians who will help the children to create and fulfil their individual musical dream, whatever that may be.
The children of Village Primary will learn to appreciate the ‘language of music’ by exploring and listening to the music of great composers, music from a range of cultures and across many genres to inspire and stimulate their creative minds.
Through music, children will discover and develop a sense of group identity and togetherness composing, rehearsing and performing music with others, to an audience. Half termly, musical celebrations will showcase individual and group achievements in music. Children will also have opportunity to perform publically.
It is our aim that children understand that music is one of the few common threads that links peoples and ideas together. Therefore, high quality music education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, economy and well-being of the nation. Meaningful links are made to Global Goals and the UNICEF Rights of the Child where relevant.