In the EYFS at Village Primary School we aim to promote high levels of well-being and involvement through creating a culture where every child’s need is catered for. Building children’s self-esteem is important to ensure a capacity of success and to ensure the children in our setting are confident, happy and secure. We aim to ensure that our children are inquisitive, independent and engaged who develop a love of learning for life. We endeavour to ensure that the children in our EYFS are ready for the next stage in their schooling.

We aim to ensure that every single child makes progress in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of their starting point. Our curriculum is vibrant and memorable and tailored to meet the needs of each individual child. We aim to provide as many ‘real-life’ experiences for the children that are meaningful and relevant to the children’s age and stage. Learning is not compartmentalised and is linked where possible in order to achieve a deeper level of engagement.
Staff are enthusiastic and caring and excellent role models for the children. They are highly skilled and knowledgeable about early childhood development and how young children learn. Adults are nurturing and take time to get to know each individual child to find out what they are interested in and to support them in their own learning, being their ‘learning companion’. Modelling listening and talking skills are modelled throughout the whole day is vital to developing our children’s communication and language. Conversation skills are modelled through effective interactions with both children and staff. We aim to immerse children in new and quality vocabulary and endure there is no limit to what the children are exposed to. Higher level thinking skills are developed during communication and children are encouraged to extend their talking by explaining their ideas.
Our environment is a safe and stimulating place to be both indoors and outdoors. Physical development is a vital part of our curriculum and we aim to encourage and guide our children to be risk takers, particularly in the outside world. We enable children to experiment with risks along with being able to assess safety. We endeavour to have a culture of learning throughout the whole day in EYFS and all members of staff are committed to following this vision.