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Erica Avison – Trust Board School Link Liason

I am a Parent Governor and Vice Chair at Village Primary School.

I have two Children who attend the school (although one for not much longer) and have seen my children grow, develop and learn every single day at school. I am passionate about supporting the school and all of the children and staff here at Village.
I work in Human Resources and have done for 15 years; I bring my skills and experience in this field to the Governing Body.
In my spare time I love to spend time with my family and friends.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Sean Davies – Head Teacher

My name is Sean Davies and I have the pleasure to work with the governors as Head teacher. I have been involved with the governing body since 2012 when I was first appointed at Village Primary School. I enjoy working with governors to help facilitate effective, long-term school improvement, with children at the heart of everything that we do. Indeed, I am passionate about children being given the best quality education on offer to help them with their future happiness, career ambitions and to help towards social mobility. In terms of my educational philosophy, I believe that children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum of the highest standard where all children maximise the talents and skills that they need for the next stage of their lives. I believe that learning is best when it is hands on, closely modelled and built on outstanding relationships. At Village, we strive to provide children with a safe, stimulating and supportive environment where they can thrive. I have worked in schools in various capacities since 1999 and have worked as a teacher since 2004. Throughout my teaching career, I have worked predominantly in Stockton, but enjoyed spells in North Yorkshire and Redcar and Cleveland. This has given me a broad range of skills and useful experiences of working within different catchment areas.

Having completed my National Professional Qualification for Headship in 2022, I am passionate about staff having access to high-quality professional development and training so that our children receive the very best pedagogy.

I am a proud dad of two boys and a massive football fan. I like to spend my spare time watching Middlesbrough and getting out and about in our local area as a proud Teessider.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Jaime Hughes – Trust Board School Link Liason

I have been a Governor at Village Primary for 10 years. I have 3 children- all boys- who have all attended this school. I started as a Parent Governor when my eldest son was moving into Yr 2. He has recently left school and I have seen many changes over the years but one thing that remains, my immense pride to be part of our school to help shape the lives of our future community, to give our children aspirations and high expectations in life, so they truly believe they can be whatever they want to be when they grow up.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Governor Pen Portrait


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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October’s Topic – Parenting Support – Routine / boundaries / behaviour.

Parenting is the toughest job in the world, and it does not come with a handbook!

However, devoting time to putting in positive routines, boundaries, and behaviour reward systems, can have many positive benefits.

Mr Dixon can offer parents some support and guidance around Positive Parenting – Talking & Listening over the course of a couple of meetings. If this is something you would be interested in, please contact Mr Dixon on 01642 676768.

For further, more in depth support, Thornaby Family Hub (formally High Flyers), on Tedder Avenue hold a while range of parenting support classes & workshops. Contact them directly on 01642 528947.

Thornaby Family Hub Facebook

Further parenting support, advice and guidance can be found on the following websites –

Action for Children

Family Lives

NSPCC – Support for Parents


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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How can I apply for a place at Village Primary School?

Thank you for showing an interest in our school.  Should you wish your child to attend Village Primary School, please feel free to contact us on 01642 676768 to talk to a member of staff.

If you wish to put your child’s name down for a nursery place please complete the form following the link below.

Nursery Admission Form

If you want to apply for a school place for Reception – Year 6 please see our admission page and follow the correct links.



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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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My child will struggle at secondary school because they have special educational needs

WRONG. We have robust communication with secondary schools to ensure that our children’s needs are catered fro when they transition to secondary school.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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My child will never get a job because they cannot read yet

WRONG. All children develop at different rates and as a school we will support them in every way possible to ensure that they make progress and reach their goals


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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My child has special education needs so will never make academic progress and reach attainment goals

WRONG some of the most academically able children may also have special educational needs. Some of the richest people in the world have dyslexia, Autism and other educational needs and have gone on to achieve great things!


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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What other agencies might Village Primary School use to support my child?

Village Primary School use a range of outside agencies to support your child. You will always be asked to give consent before any assessment or work takes place. Some of the agencies used include:

  • Speech and Language Therapy (NHS Service)
  • Speech and Language practitioners (Let’s Talk)
  • Child and Adult Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Occupational Therapy (OT)
  • Educational Psychology Service (EP)

and many others.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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