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Are children given homework?

All children in school are expected to complete age appropriate homework each week.

We have a range of online resources that can be used to support homework. Homework is given out on a Friday and is due back in on a Wednesday. Reception to Year 6 all follow this same timetable to ensure consistency for families across school.

Home Learning Resources


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Can my child walk to and from school alone?

Our agreed school policy is that no pupil in Early Years, Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2  (Reception to year 4) should walk to or from school on their own.

Walking to and from school Policy


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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I have some free time. How can I help?

We always enjoy welcoming visitors into our school. Should you wish to come in to support in your child;s class or offer your time to another class please speak directly to the relevant class teacher.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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What do spellings look like?

Children from Year 1 to Year 6 are given spellings each week which will be tested on Friday in school. We have a range of resources that can be used but do not underestimate daily, short practices – writing out the words or spelling them outloud.

Home Learning Resources


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What is a reading record?

A reading record is a way of communicating between home and school the books we are sending home, how your child is doing and anything you can do to help your child. We welcome and encourage you to record in your child’s reading record whenever you read and we recommend you read every night.


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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Can my child wear jewelry in school?

On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewelry in our school. The exceptions to this rule are small (not dangling) ear-ring studs in pierced ears. Watches are also permitted. Earrings and watches must be removed during PE and games on health and safety grounds. Staff are not permitted to remove earrings. Plasters from home must be sent into school for PE lessons and sports events to cover earrings which cannot be removed for the first six weeks after piercing. School takes no responsibility for their safe keeping.

Uniform Policy


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What if something gets lost?

We strongly urge all parents to label all items of their children’s clothing as this assists when items of uniform are lost during the day.

We do have collections of lost property in school however it is very hard to get property back to the right owner if not named.

Staff do not have the capacity to help track down unnamed items of property.




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How will I be informed if there is an enforced school closure?

Parents will be notified by the following information streams:

• The Local Authority Website https://www.stockton.gov.uk/children-and-young-people/schools/finda-school-stockton-borough-and-school-closure-details/
• School text messages to the nominated number (make sure we are kept up to date with your most current number)
• Messages sent via Mavelllous Me!
• Twitter
• School website

Emergency School Closure Policy


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Can I take my child out of school for a holiday during term time?

Parents are strongly urged to avoid making requests for leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday during term time due to the disruption and impact of the missed education on the child.

If parents wish to take their child out of school in term time, then they should complete a Leave of Absence form and must state in full their reasons for the absence, why they feel it is essential that it takes place during term time and if appropriate accompanied by evidence. An example of evidence in the case of a family holiday being a signed letter from an employer on letter headed paper, which states the reason why the applicant is unable to take a Leave of Absence for a family holiday during school holiday. The evidence will be taken into consideration when a decision is made. However, applicants must be aware that the submission of evidence does not automatically guarantee that the absence will be authorised or that penalty notice procedures will not be followed.

School Calendar


Term Dates

Attendance Policy


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What should I do if my child is prescribed medication?

Medicines will only be administered at school when it would be detrimental to a child’s health or school attendance not to do so.

Where clinically possible, medicines should be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside school hours.

No student will be given prescription or non-prescription medicines without their parent’s written consent (see the main office to fill in thie relevant form) expect in exceptional circumstances where parents fill in the medicine form which will be sent to you electronically on request.

Medicine Policy


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Proud to be part of Prince Regent Street Trust

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