
The governors and staff at Village Primary School are committed to keeping children safe. We aim to maintain a secure, caring and stimulating community in which children are encouraged to have respect for themselves and each other. We have the highest expectations of progress and attainment. Through our challenging curriculum we inspire learners to ‘Explore, Dream and Discover’; our school motto, to equip pupils for further education, life in the 21st century and for future employment.

Through quality teaching and learning, children are given the opportunity to develop individuality and responsibility and are challenged to achieve their full potential. We believe it is important that we develop the whole child, nurturing the academic, creative, spiritual and social aspects equally.

Self-discipline and acceptable codes of behaviour are valued and promoted. We see our school as being at the heart of a larger Thornaby community and we encourage our children to value and celebrate the diversities they encounter in this community and the wider world. Everything we do is child centred; the mission of the school is to raise aspirations and standards for all children.

The core values of the school incorporate The Rights of the Child and fundamental British Values: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith; our ethos encompasses the highest expectations and aspirations for attainment and progress and staff work relentlessly to challenge all children to achieve ambitious standards.