National Day of Reflection

On 23 March it’ll be one year since the first UK lockdown. Since then, millions of people have been bereaved, both as a result of covid-19 and due to other causes.

The restrictions we’ve all been living under have meant that many of us – including children and young people – have had to grieve without the comfort of having friends and family around them.

The National Day of Reflection will give us a time to unite and reflect on this tragic loss of life and our collective grief as a nation.

As a school we have joined together to mark this day. Children in school have had the opportunity to talk about their thoughts, have a minutes silence and take part in lots of reflection activities.

Nursery created yellow sun catchers to mark the National Day of Reflection.  The children loved talking about what they are most looking forward to this year.
Pip said ‘I can’t wait to see Nannie and Pop Pops soon’.

Nursery have painted rainbows as a symbol of hope for National Reflections Day.

Reception created yellow drawings thinking about making each square different. It was a very calming activity and allowed us to talk about how we felt during lockdown.

“I felt sad because I missed my teachers and friends at school.” Edie

Year 3 have been commemorating the day of National Reflection, thinking about what has changed over the year and thanking our key workers.


Year 4 gathered to reflect on all the positive experiences of lockdown such as spending more quality time with family.

Year 6 worked together to create a poem.


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