On Friday 20th November 2020, Village Primary were very excited to take part in OutRight Day. The focus for this year’s OutRight Day was Climate Change and children across the school were given the opportunity to learn about their environment. But more importantly they were given the opportunity to have their say about it!
Climate change is something that Year 5 feel very passionately about! Climate change links to Article 24 which states that children have the right to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment.
‘We looked at Ecosystems around the world and discussed how they have changed over the years. Climate change is causing water levels to rise which is having a huge impact on the ecosystem. Animals are dying and this needs to stop.’
‘Hotter weather in the desert is drying up water sources which then people and animals don’t have access to water. This is then forcing animals and people to migrate.’
‘Temperatures increase in the desert because of global heating and wildfires are becoming more common. Wildfires destroy habitats for animals and create smoke and air pollution.’
News about our Education
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