For policies linked to a curriculum area such as maths or handwriting please visit the relevant curriculum page.


To view Prince Regent Street Trust Policies click on the button below.

PRST Policies

Below you will find our school policies.

Accessibility Policy
Administering Medication Policy
Admission Policy September 2024
Anti-Bullying Policy
Assets and Disposal Policy
Behaviour Policy
Business Continuity Plan
PRST Bring Your Own Device Policy
PRST Capability of Staff Procedures Policy
PRST Charging and Remissions Policy
Complaints Policy
Child on Child Abuse Policy
Cyber Bullying Policy
PRST Data Protection Policy
EAL Policy
ECT Policy
Educational Visits Policy
Emergency School Closure Policy
Equality & Diversity Policy
Equality Objectives Policy
Fire Risk Assessment
Governing Body Remits
PRST Health & Safety Policy
Information for Parents and Carers on Reporting Absence Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education
MAT Scheme of Delegation Governance
PRST IT Security & AU Policy
PRST Off-Site Working
Outbreak Management Plan for Primary Settings
Penalty Notice Procedure
PHSE & RSE Policy
PRST Privacy Notice Governors
PRST Privacy Notice Pupil & Family
PRST Privacy Notice Workforce & Volunteers
Pupil Premium Grant
Remote Learning Policy
Reserves Policy
PRST Retention Schedule Policy
Risk Management Policy and Procedure
PRST Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
SEND Policy
PRST Special Category Data Policy
Uniform Policy
Walking To and From School Policy
PRST Whistleblowing Policy
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